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The objective is to operate in the capacity as initial co-organizer and implementer of the project, evaluate the Izdihar  project in terms of the relevancy of the objectives of the Project in relation to satisfying local needs while adhering to EU policies in terms of promoting human rights, democratization, and economic empowerment in Jordan. Our methodology will include sample surveys and interviews of trainees, graduates, and employers of past graduates. The efficiency of the project by evaluating the quality of the inputs means of delivery of these inputs, the institutional frameworks pertaining thereto, and the value-added of the outputs generated. The effectiveness and the success of the Project by evaluating its impact in contributing to achieving both the agreed and announced specific and general objectives of the Project. The impact of the Project on the actual needs of the targeted groups. The sustainability of the Project will be conducted to ascertain the likelihood of Project continuity beyond the funding period and make practical suggestions.